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Your first experience hearing Vandersteens?

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I first heard some Model 2Ce’s at Optimal Enchantment in Santa Monica, CA back in the 90’s. I was there to buy some 1C’s and was around while another customer auditioned some 2ce’s. I remember thinking how real the drums sounded. I was pretty amazed and have been a fan of Vandersteen speakers since then!

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I first heard the Vandersteen 2Ce's around 1984 or so in an audiophile store in Naperville, IL. They had them paired with a 100 wpc Pereaux amp and Pereaux pre-amp. Marvelouse detail for speakers and never regretted having them. 

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Bought my first set of 2's based entirely on Internet reports. Risky. I had a good idea what they would sound like and they did not disappoint. They were, and are still, what my system is based around.


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First heard Vandersteens in 1983. The 2C's just came into the showroom. I bought the demos. My first audiophile friend told me about Vandersteens so I was curious to hear them. I read up on the literature available, learned about time alignment and computer modeling to analyze the sound and develop the design. I kept those speakers until 2021 when I replaced them with 2CE Sig IIIs. I heard more commonalities than differences. However, the improvements in bass extension and articulation was most noticeable. I improved the rest of my setup and finally fine tuned the system. The improvements in sound from all my upgrades have allowed me to rediscover my music collection and enjoy hearing more details. Television / video sound performance is also more accurate. I've been really enjoying streamed music concerts.

The model 1s could never throw as large a soundstage as the model 2s, but they do that magic disappearing trick. They work very well in my smaller room. I acquired a pair of 1Cs when I decided to setup my bedroom system back in 2004.


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My ship was moved from Bremerton, WA back to home port SD.  I found the high end store across from the sports arena after a Sockers game and went back the next day.  It was in 83.  Bruce was probably very new at the time.  I went to the back room and was checking out the Sota vacuum table (not sure which model) and there was this guy in the room with Bruce going over speaker placement for his speakers.  Yes, it was Richard.  My first time hearing them, was with Richard in the room.  It was the most education I had ever gotten on high end to that date.

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I bought my 3A Signature speakers in the early 2000s based on magazine reviews. 

I wanted the sound of the coherent Ohm F speaker without the issues due to the F being omnidirectional. 

I was extremely happy with my decision!


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