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It's a shame...


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1 hour ago, ghamilton said:

It's a shame that the Absolute Sound has not reviewed the Sig lll version of the 2Ce and they simply copied the comments from their earlier comments of the Sig ll in their recommended components. Not a good sign for TAS !




ghamilton, the magazines only review products that are provided by the manufactures for review.  The Model 2Ce Sig Mk III is selling well to customers that find them with the help of a good dealer demo and their own ears!  I like it this way because reviews can cause spontaneous purchases with some of them ending up on the used market.  This has a negative effect on the resale market and overall reputation of the product.  These are handmade and sales are solid, so I have not sent in a pair for review.  RV

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2 hours ago, ghamilton said:

I would also like to say that TAS said there is (was) an upcoming review of of the newest model 1. That was over a year ago. 

Come on TAS. You can do better!

ghamilton,  question, why is what TAS says so important to you and others?  I am the manufacture and find they have a right to do whatever they want because no one has named or claimed them as consumer advocates.   I enjoy reading about our industry in the magazines because it is a hobby and a passion just as reading this forum interests me.  Magazines are first a business then an opinion expressed by many reviewers exposing us to products and music we as individuals may never discover on our own.  I find them valuable because of that exposure and the ability to communicate to a group of people with like interests in a world full of a cacophony of noise.  I think the magazines both online and print do a good job, but our expectations are sometimes unrealistic because we all have different taste and expectations.  I do enjoy the review process once the speaker has established itself in the marketplace because as stated above it offers exposure to the broader community.  I am not being critical just trying to understand because I love this hobby today as much as 45 years ago, YMMV.  RV

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3 hours ago, Richard Vandersteen said:

… a cacophony of noise.   …

^That^ is awesome…
I am going to use this phrase…


We probably do not need  the speakers on a Yelp review, or FB page.

We were in Melbourne a few years back and the Haus-boss and Sis said for me to find place for brunch.
At the end of the meal, Sis said, “that is one of the best breakfasts I have ever had, did you find it on Yelp?”
I said, “Nope I just picked it based upon the name.”
She said, “what made ‘Higher Ground’ stick out?”
I said, “well it is Sunday….”

Sp sometimes it is better to experience things without the noise of reviews.

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I enjoy reading the associated equipment in reviews. They tend to reflect the tastes of the reviewer if the pieces are owned by them. It is also interesting for me to see how reviewers use different equipment than those I choose to purchase and own. It helps give me clues as to which reviewers whose impressions I would tend to agree with. For major purchases demos preferably in home are best before buying. The reviews are pretty entertaining. They only go so far though.

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On 11/11/2023 at 2:16 PM, Richard Vandersteen said:

ghamilton, the magazines only review products that are provided by the manufactures for review.  The Model 2Ce Sig Mk III is selling well to customers that find them with the help of a good dealer demo and their own ears!  I like it this way because reviews can cause spontaneous purchases with some of them ending up on the used market.  This has a negative effect on the resale market and overall reputation of the product.  These are handmade and sales are solid, so I have not sent in a pair for review.  RV

Because they simply repeated what they said about the Sig ll that would lead someone to think there wasn't really an upgrade.

Also Richard, You must have provided a pair of model 1Ci+ because they said they were going to review them.

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20 minutes ago, ghamilton said:

Because they simply repeated what they said about the Sig ll that would lead someone to think there wasn't really an upgrade.

Also Richard, You must have provided a pair of model 1Ci+ because they said they were going to review them.

They did request a pair but we did not send them because sales are good.  Anybody interested in a pair of 2Ce Sig Mk III would audition them and the improvement would be obvious.  RV

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On 11/11/2023 at 2:16 PM, Richard Vandersteen said:

ghamilton, the magazines only review products that are provided by the manufactures for review.  The Model 2Ce Sig Mk III is selling well to customers that find them with the help of a good dealer demo and their own ears!  I like it this way because reviews can cause spontaneous purchases with some of them ending up on the used market.  This has a negative effect on the resale market and overall reputation of the product.  These are handmade and sales are solid, so I have not sent in a pair for review.  RV

I would be a bit concerned about false information about my product. The Sig lll sounds better than the Sig ll. This is misinformation about your product in TAS.

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I absolutely love the sig 3’s.  I heard them with the separate Ayre 8 series amps and preamp and QX-5/20 DAC.  I was blown away.  It was Garth’s AQ cords and cables throughout.  They sounded better than most folks 10k plus speakers and that’s not even close to an exaggeration.  It was just so well rounded from top to bottom.  The stage was amazing for a speaker that price, but it was surely a Steen, even in digital. (That’s for the analog only crowd 😉 ). 

It’s so much fun hearing how so many of you have just gotten the new 2’s and started to upgrade components and the speaker keeps giving you more and more.  Most at this price range max out earlier I think (did i say that correctly).  

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Unboxing my new Sig IIIs a summer ago was a big thrill. Labour of love to fill the bases with sand, adjust tilt and find right toe adjustment. Initial impression was they sounded very similar to my old 2Cs. I noticed more detail in the bass. I upgraded the rest of my chain up to my retirement in August. I think that setting up my Sig IIIs was instrumental in realizing all the improvements. It's a thrill to rediscover my music collection.

Enjoy your new IIIs!


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On 11/25/2023 at 9:19 AM, Mike Malter said:

Richard, I have a pair of 2Ce’s.  Is there an upgrade to the 2Ce Sig III for my existing speakers?

Mike, no we changed too many parts.  The cost to completely disassemble the speaker, install the new parts, put the completed speaker in the anechoic chamber to retune the crossover plus freight both ways would be embarrassing.  Better to trade them in on a pair of used Treo CT's.  RV

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