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Treo CT grill options?

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There are Treo CT's in my near future.

I had a pair of 2C's in the mid 80's.  Loved them.  But life got in the way(kids, lol, work, etc.). But getting back into the hobby.  Right now my set-up: Luxman L509x, KEF R3, SL1200GR, REL T9i.

Planning on maple Treo CT.  The tight electrical impedance magnitude and phase ranges are appealing, easy load to drive.  Although my amp will put out >300 W in 1 Ohm, not an Issue, 17 A, you could weld with it ;) . 500 W into 2 Ohm with <0.01% THD

finally, my question: are there optional grill colors available? Perhaps grey?


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i have Treo CT in our condo system. i believe There are three color options for grilles brown, black and tan, i went w tan and Ambrosia Maple veneer ( upcharge ).

You are right, they are engineered to be an easy load. They did fine w 40 wpc NAIM Atom. I now use a 100 wpc tube Music Reference RM-9. Enjoy the Treo, they are really fantastic musical speakers !


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