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Dreaming Down the River to New Orleans


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Isn't it interesting?  ..........  generally, as upgrades & improvements to a system happen, the good and the not-so-good recordings are more fleshed out.  After a dear friend came up and helped me do the bass alignment on my Quatros, every recording (as expected) sounds different; mostly better.  A good bit of my attention has been drawn to drums.  On some recordings, I just didn't notice them as much. 

Now, after that critical adjustment (that I waited way too long to do), some are now clearly muddled in the back of the mix; I can feel them, but don't really hear them.  Fortunately, that is the exception.  Better recordings now sound better than I've ever heard them.

There's gold buried down in them grooves!

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Such a simple procedure that only requires some diligence.  I fear many Vandersteen owners are not experiencing the sound they paid for and I hope this forum helps this terrible situation!   Bass is the foundation of all music IMO and when it is adjusted to the room music wins.  A better system causes all recordings to rise we just do not have a way to compare the bad ones before and after improvements.  I have done this experiment and the bad ones are better but the good ones can get so special they steal the day.


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I agree Richard.  I spoke with Johnny R about visiting again to help me set up the speakers after I made all the changes.  I had to move them a foot away from the side walls when I got the new cables.  Maybe it's time for Brad to come visit CT.... ha!  :).    

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2 hours ago, Richard Vandersteen said:

I fear many Vandersteen owners are not experiencing the sound they paid for and I hope this forum helps this terrible situation! 

Guilty as accused Richard.  I attempted it a couple years ago, but got confused getting the correct baseline volume on my preamp.  I'm certain that your hope for this forum will help.  It is through it that I found a fellow member (initials JD) who graciously offered to travel an hour to my home and assist me.  

Agree, there are probably many more like me who have not accomplished said procedure.  It certainly has transformed my system.  I wake up every morning thinking about what I'm going to spin in the afternoon.  I don't mind being the "ignorant example" for those members who are awaiting that step.

Play on

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Glad to be of help Steve.

My offer to help anyone with setup stands. I always learn something and new fail to be introduced to music and Vandersteen owners...many of them w fantastic record collections.  i am not a replacement for your local dealer expert. Blessed to be able to help if needed.


I made the comment way at the top of the thread mostly so anyone who does chase this record down will have some idea about the lack of bass. It is however a stunning work on horns, vocals....



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