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Do the Model 5's require a larger room than the 3A's?

Ross B.

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Stringreeen,  your Ayre/5A combination is capable of high SPL but this is what happens in every room with live acoustics (I have made an assumption)!  One can carefully place any speakers/amp combination to sound great but when the volume level overpowers the room the cacophony of reflected sounds gets uncomfortable.  If one wanted to play the system at these higher levels some room treatment would be required.  RV

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7 hours ago, Richard Vandersteen said:

Stringreeen,  your Ayre/5A combination is capable of high SPL but this is what happens in every room with live acoustics (I have made an assumption)!  One can carefully place any speakers/amp combination to sound great but when the volume level overpowers the room the cacophony of reflected sounds gets uncomfortable.  If one wanted to play the system at these higher levels some room treatment would be required.  RV

Thanks for your opinion..,.,.  I have corner "tunes" installed and a padded triptych between the speakers with a shag rug on the floor with padding beneath.   I'll look into more that I can do.  I don't listen at high levels and love the layering and openness your speakers bring to the party.


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Something else…

An awful lot of objects in a listening room can be excited at higher sound levels into making undesired sounds, especially at their mechanical resonance frequencies.  Lamps, vases, furniture, fans, picture frames, equipment cabinets, sculptures, and even walls can vibrate and sound really bad.

You might try playing one of those glide tones like from Ayre both at normal listening levels and at “cranked up” levels.  It could give you a few surprises.

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5 hours ago, Stringreen said:

Thanks for your opinion..,.,.  I have corner "tunes" installed and a padded triptych between the speakers with a shag rug on the floor with padding beneath.   I'll look into more that I can do.  I don't listen at high levels and love the layering and openness your speakers bring to the party.




5 hours ago, Stringreen said:

Thanks for your opinion..,.,.  I have corner "tunes" installed and a padded triptych between the speakers with a shag rug on the floor with padding beneath.   I'll look into more that I can do.  I don't listen at high levels and love the layering and openness your speakers bring to the party.


Stringreen, if you don't play at high levels don't change anything because I like a room that has some life.   Room treatments are not without faults of their own, IMO.  RV

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^Yeah… but.^

We have a clock in the lounge room which makes a tinny buzzing sound when we walk by it.
I am sure all it needs is some Blu-tack, and I assume that is possibly what what Stringreen is referring to.

I like to refer to that as “the laying on of the hands” to feel for resonances, in case they do not  buzz like a hornet.

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21 hours ago, Holmz said:

in case they do not  buzz like a hornet.

The door to my listening room does this, depending on the weather, and if it's swollen from heat. I also have a poster that likes to vibrate, but that's easy enough to remedy.

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