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I'm blessed and I want to thank this community.

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I write this not wanting any sorry or pity or anything like that.  Three weeks ago I was in DC on Capital Hill proudly representing my MS community.  Many know that I'm on the board of trustees for the MS Society and that I also chair the national veterans engagement along with having a Veterans Against MS Walk team.  70k out of 1million stricken with MS in this country are veterans.  7% is a ridiculous number for any disease.  We don't know why, but we are fighting like heck to find out why and to fix this!

I use a rollator to walk, but for days when I'm on the Hill I use a powered scooter.  Long story, but they didn't tie me down and I was thrown off the scooter into the grab bars and walls of the van and the scooter then fell on me.  I have a major concussion, cuts, bruises, sprains etc... That was three weeks to the day and hour as I write this.  I have only really left the house for medical reasons.  The headaches are debilitating and I am depress as my MS symptoms are highly aggravated.  I can't sleep on my left side due to the pain, so I can't sleep at all.  Today I decided to try to listen to Richard Marx on the system as I felt I needed my music to help with the depression.  I'm two hours into my Pat Benitar/ Richard Marx concert.  If I had any other system, there is no way I could listen.  I'd have gotten listening fatigue after a minute or two.  I'll be turning off the music in a few songs as I can tell it's about time to stop,

I'm blessed to have the system that I have.  I'm blessed to have met so many incredible friends in this crazy industry over the many years I've been around it.  I'm bless in so many other ways and I hope to get healthy again, but music has been my best drug of choice over the years to deal with everything I deal with daily.  I haven't been able to post as much as I like, but when I have felt up to being on a computer, I've at least been reading as much as I can. 

Again, thanks all for making this a special place for all of us to be ourselves. 🙂.  Pete

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When life gets us down, and it can, we might reflect on the things that bring us joy. This works for me.

After 5 life threatening surgeries since 2014, I try to find satisfaction in simple pleasures and still being alive.

Thanks for being here, Pete,


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Ya man ! keep up the good fight. God bless you - thank you endlessly for your service to our imperfect but great country, and thank you for your love of music !,,,,,,,

Best to you

Call anytime 24/7/365


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Though I tend to listen whilst playing video games and reading the news,  I am thankful for the sounds my little VLR's produce in my office. 

It isn't critical listening, but it is enjoyable, so I agree with you sentiments. 

If there is anything that I can help with, please let me know.


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Hey Pete, we haven't met, but I feel like I know you through your posts here. I'm truly sorry for your troubles, but I know your positive spirit will set you on the mend. I'm familiar with MS and the history of the society formed in 1946 by my neighbor, Alida Camp, who was trying to understand the origin of the mysterious disease her father suffered. She remained a trustee for 50 years. I'n sure treatments today are more effective, but sadly no cure and no real understanding of cause , despite many years of investigation.

Thank you for your contributions and may the music be with you.

Jim K.

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Pete, your ability to fight and forge forward despite the odds and openly share your feelings and experiences is quite admirable and most importantly inspiring and humbling. Am glad that you are finding comfort in music and that you are making the most out of your system. It's a bummer that everyone is located in various parts of the country that makes it difficult to meet up in person and blow some steam off.  I am fortunate to have Steve Edwards, Jim Davis, John Gallup and Rick Higgins in San Diego/OC that we do manage to meet up. I feel that we have all known each other through our systems, rooms and forum handles that we need to take this to the next level and get together on a Zoom call with our favorite libation and have a normal face to face conversation. If everyone is up for it then we can figure out a date/day/time that works for everyone and I can schedule a Zoom call.  It would be great to put names to faces.

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15 hours ago, Parkerjake said:

Hey Pete, we haven't met, but I feel like I know you through your posts here. I'm truly sorry for your troubles, but I know your positive spirit will set you on the mend. I'm familiar with MS and the history of the society formed in 1946 by my neighbor, Alida Camp, who was trying to understand the origin of the mysterious disease her father suffered. She remained a trustee for 50 years. I'n sure treatments today are more effective, but sadly no cure and no real understanding of cause , despite many years of investigation.

Thank you for your contributions and may the music be with you.

Jim K.

I will echo Jim's eloquent sentiments here.  I appreciate your contributions to the Vandersteen community Pete.  Your participation has helped me on my acoustic journey.


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Thanks guys.  Jim K.  That's amazing and thanks for sharing.  I know all about her and her starting our society.  Just an amazing person.  We ALWAYS mention her during our national meetings as you can't forget your past history.   

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/28/2024 at 4:56 AM, ctsooner said:

I write this not wanting any sorry or pity or anything like that.  Three weeks ago I was in DC on Capital Hill proudly representing my MS community.  Many know that I'm on the board of trustees for the MS Society and that I also chair the national veterans engagement along with having a Veterans Against MS Walk team.  70k out of 1million stricken with MS in this country are veterans.  7% is a ridiculous number for any disease.  We don't know why, but we are fighting like heck to find out why and to fix this!

I use a rollator to walk, but for days when I'm on the Hill I use a powered scooter.  Long story, but they didn't tie me down and I was thrown off the scooter into the grab bars and walls of the van and the scooter then fell on me.  I have a major concussion, cuts, bruises, sprains etc... That was three weeks to the day and hour as I write this.  I have only really left the house for medical reasons.  The headaches are debilitating and I am depress as my MS symptoms are highly aggravated.  I can't sleep on my left side due to the pain, so I can't sleep at all.  Today I decided to try to listen to Richard Marx on the system as I felt I needed my music to help with the depression.  I'm two hours into my Pat Benitar/ Richard Marx concert.  If I had any other system, there is no way I could listen.  I'd have gotten listening fatigue after a minute or two.  I'll be turning off the music in a few songs as I can tell it's about time to stop,

I'm blessed to have the system that I have.  I'm blessed to have met so many incredible friends in this crazy industry over the many years I've been around it.  I'm bless in so many other ways and I hope to get healthy again, but music has been my best drug of choice over the years to deal with everything I deal with daily.  I haven't been able to post as much as I like, but when I have felt up to being on a computer, I've at least been reading as much as I can. 

Again, thanks all for making this a special place for all of us to be ourselves. 🙂.  Pete

Jez Pete, I am sending you good vibs from afar.

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We are all lucky to have this very sane forum Pete. And we are lucky to have you in it!  You have guided me quite a bit over the last few years since you invited me over here, and I am very grateful. Strat has a great idea with the zoom call. It sure would be nice to put some faces to names/handles on the forum. I'm in Colorado , so MT. time zone makes it easy for me within the US. I am planning a trip to the NYC region around June sometime Pete so maybe we can meet up. I would love to meet and hear your system.

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I’d be up for all of that guys.  Just keep my posted on your schedule.  You have my number.  Can always text too.  Resting this week in Gulf Shores, AL.  Doing virtually nothing as I can’t get rest at home.  Too many things pulling me in too many directions.  I have my portable audio gear and it makes me miss my real rig so much.  I haven’t even listened in two days.

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On 4/19/2024 at 7:32 AM, GdnrBob said:

That is a soy sauce commonly found in Chinese Take Out.- Really


A coworker showed me a viral video from 10+ years ago, with a fellow getting arrested outside of a Chinese restaurant in Fortitude Valley QLD.
”Democracy Manifest, Succulent Chinese Meal” will like get one to it.

I’ll tell ‘ol mate about the soy sauce.

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