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Amp Question for Treo CT. Is 500 wpc too much?

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Hi All,

I am migrating from Magnepan 3.7i to Treo CT in the next couple of months. I currently am using a Sanders Sound Magtech amp, 500 wpc @ 8 and 900 wpc @ 4.  Is this too much amp for the Treos?  It's an awesome amp for the maggies and was hoping to use it on the Vandies.  I do like it loud at times. 






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Unless you are going to crank it up to give your neighbors a listen, then no, it shouldn't be an issue.

Are you keeping the Maggie's? It would be interesting to compare the two. 

I have always had a desire to own Magnepan's but never had the space to use them.


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4 hours ago, Stunami said:

Hi All,

I am migrating from Magnepan 3.7i to Treo CT in the next couple of months. I currently am using a Sanders Sound Magtech amp, 500 wpc @ 8 and 900 wpc @ 4.  Is this too much amp for the Treos?  It's an awesome amp for the maggies and was hoping to use it on the Vandies.  I do like it loud at times. 




Hi Stunami, you can not have too much power because you are in control of the volume control!  It is enough power to melt a few parts in the crossover if anything stupid happens but when taking care of your ears so this stuff will have significance in a few years you will be OK.  A bigger problem is not enough power because clipping does damage tweeters quite often.




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