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Small Chapel of …. Diffusion

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Room change due to move to a condo per our long range plan. The old house served us well in our more youthful years… but 5 half levels made for a daily stair climbing adventure…. Change can be good….

Room is 13.5’ x 18’ w 9’ ceiling. Much less floor movement than last room..but other issues. Diffusers are from my good friend and fellow audiophile / music lover Arnold of Core Audio in Novato, California… European Beech in a QRD format. Obviously w room change i consulted w Richard. i may add a whisker of diffusion / absorbtion behind the listening chair as i continue to tune.

Any fellow Vandy owners in the Seattle area are welcome to visit. I know @stratocaster is here soon…. so i need to keep making progress…..

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TomicTime looks like it all works together some fancy wood for diffusers 

When we moved in to are new place the system just sounded like a big blob of sound the room treatment help so much

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