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Int Amp, L-505uXII v. Hegel h190 to pair with Vandy Treo CT?

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I’m looking into getting a Vandersteen speaker. Either the Treo CT or the 2Ce Signature iii (depending on how much the wife says I can spend).

I like the Prima Luna evo 400 integrated best, but worried about kids getting into it and hurting themselves. 

I like all music but listen to a little more acoustic and orchestral stuff. My room is about 12” x 22” with ceiling at 9”and then opens to kitchen. 

Have any of you lived with any combination of the above, and have insights into the sound? Or have a different recommendation?


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Can’t go wrong w either speaker, the Treo IMO is super lovely, i am biased as we have a pair. Pair w Aesthetix or Ayre integrated for lovely kid resistant sound. i have not heard a Hegel in quite some time, so no ideas there… The Vandy dealers can be relied on for great recommendations, I think Johnny might say Belles. There is coming out soon also a very lovely 50 wpc ARC integrated w tube cage….

best to you

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4 hours ago, TomicTime said:

Pair w Aesthetix or Ayre integrated

Belles and McCormack, too.

A good person to talk to is John Rutan. His store is Audioconnection. He's a Vandy dealer, and also a very knowledgeable person who knows his stuff.

I can PM his number if you wish.


+1 on the Treo's.  They not only look nicer (WAF), but have, in my  opinion, a more refined sound.


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6 hours ago, paperuser742 said:


I’m looking into getting a Vandersteen speaker. Either the Treo CT or the 2Ce Signature iii (depending on how much the wife says I can spend).

I like the Prima Luna evo 400 integrated best, but worried about kids getting into it and hurting themselves. 

I like all music but listen to a little more acoustic and orchestral stuff. My room is about 12” x 22” with ceiling at 9”and then opens to kitchen. 

Have any of you lived with any combination of the above, and have insights into the sound? Or have a different recommendation?

As I mentioned on the other site, I have a old pair of 2Cs, which are still very impressive to me. (They have been in similar sized rooms) And I think that 35+ years is a pretty good run for a turntable and speakers, so better to buy good “once”, than get on the hamster wheel of upgrades.

I have run them with a 100W SS PSE amp, 100W VTL monoblocks, a NAD (3020 ?), and now PrimaLuna Dialogue HP. The PL in Triode Mode sound thin in the bass, but does fine in Ultra-Linear… and a set of KT-120 tubes are en route.

They have sounded good with every amp I have had before them, even with the Mrs. 30+ year old integrated NAD they sound stunning. So I would not personally stress it too much if you have an amplifier already… and just run the best speakers that you wife approves of so that you avoid feeling a need to upgrade. You do want this last component in the system to be good (IMO).

Do you already have the (or an) amp? And where are you located?

All ^that^ said, with a big Lotto win and I would likely be looking at the Carbon Kentos…  😍

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It's go with the Treo if you can.  It's just THAT special.  .  Always has been. Even the original is an amazing and special speaker.  As for amps, it's all been covered, lol.  Zero feedback adn balanced designs are best with either speaker.  Who is your closest Vandy dealer who you use?  I know MANY (just purchased a demo DAC from his Ontario dealer) and all are similar cloth IRT being genuine and helpful.  I have liked virtually every one of them that I've been in contact with.  Let us know

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  • 4 weeks later...

I run my Treos with a new Audible Illusions 3B pre and a Parasound A23+ solid state amp. It sounds great to me! I really like tube preamps with solid state amps. If you're feeling flush, you might look at Ayre or Pass amps. I was just thinking that the Parasound would be an easier sell at home. (You could get a A21+....you wouldn't be slumming it!) Make sure you're using some good cables....I'm using Audioquest Earth interconnects and a Thunder power cord. I'm sure everyone will have a gazillion suggestions on cables....but no need to take out a second mortgage....just get something at least midway in the lineup.

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  • 1 month later...

mwgreene, Homz, ctsooner:


Thanks for the messages.  I didn't have alerts set up correctly so I didn't know that you had replied.  

I am still in the middle.  Right now it is Model 30 Marantz v. ARC LS 28SE + Parasound A21+.  Basically, do I want to go on a journey (Model 30 and slowly upgrade and find my way), or mostly get to near end-game(at my price point) and stop for 5+ years.... If I go the way of Model 30 then I'll probably get some nice headphones and a turntable and get more vynyl, and a nicer DAC (Bluesound Vault2i right now) in a year or 2...But if I go near end game I probably won't have funds (wife approval) for more equipment for 5+...7+ years).

If I had my choice I love the Primaluna Evo 400 int sound, but got kids and can't have open tubes(mostly open) in my system...

The Treos are at the dealer waiting for me to pick up.  I'm just finalizing the electronics....

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Great luck as Jim stated.  I too love the ARC amps.  I'd also add the Aesthetix gear (at most Vandy dealers).  What is your budget for an integrated?  Which Vandy dealer do you use again?  Treo's play well with most integrated amps that are zero feedback designs and fully balanced (not just with balanced outputs, but a true balanced circuit).   There are a few of these designs that stand out and many have been mentioned in this thread.  

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An Ayre AX7e would be on the lower end power-wise, but affordable. for the Treo's.

And, you'd be able to eventually find a Vandy sub/s and really make them shine without having to go with more power.

I own (#Ctsooner's) Treo's, and find them to be a significant upgrade over the 3a sig's that were replaced by them.

Ayre and Vandersteen are a very good match.- And, they utilize Zero Feedback design.


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I only mention the Ayre AX-7, as they are quite inexpensive-especially used.

I was trying to find a lower cost route instead of the ARC-which are great pieces of equipment, but cost quite a bit.

I have no experience with Aesthetix, but know they also work well with Vandy's, and should be another 'lower cost' route.


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8 hours ago, paperuser742 said:

Hey Jim,  they may carry it , but they didn't really bring it up in our discussions.  

Holmz, sorry for my ignorance a quick Google of "400w Purifi" led me to ,https://purifi-audio.com/eigentakt/.  Or are you thinking of something else.



Yeah that is the one.
I’d probably get them from a local fellow, Alan March, operating as “March Audio.”
Same Purifi guts being stuffed inside of a CNC’ed black anodised case.

I heard his speakers ~4 weeks ago, and I was very impressed. The Purifi drivers are super low distortion by tacking the IMD of the motor. The pistonic carbons are dealing with cone breakup so it it all in a trust for lower distortion… so conceptually the two technologies would compliment each other.
And his small (2-way) speakers were pretty nice.. There were passive radiators in the back, so I suppose that harken to the 2C design with the accoustic coupler (which I think is a passive radiator?) In any case, they were being powered by 125w/channel Purifi Class-D.

There are a lot of Class-D amps out there, but I would only consider Hypex and Purifi myself. I might try and put some $ down and try to grab an amplifier to demo.

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23 minutes ago, Holmz said:

There were passive radiators in the back, so I suppose that harken to the 2C design with the accoustic coupler (which I think is a passive radiator?) 

The acoustic coupler in the 2C’s are active, not passive.

Edited by bkeske
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Yeah but we are no too sensitive to phase in the lower frequencies.
A PR is not a lot different from a port conceptually… Just less spatial volume.


1 hour ago, bkeske said:

The acoustic coupler in the 2C’s are active, not passive.

Ah - I see now.
So it is more like a 4 way speaker then?

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I always thought so (although ‘4-way’ may not be technically correct, as essentially, they seem to be acting more as a sub) . My 2CE Sigs are now my ‘rear’ speakers in HT mode. Overkill having a ‘4 way’ speaker as HT rears? Naw! 😁 

They sound great with the Treo’s when streaming the Berlin Philharmonic live, as I did this morning 👍🏼

My 1C’s are now in my bedroom system. Yes, I’m starting a Vandy museum 🙂

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