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2Ce sig. ll’s/M5-HPB/SUB 3 Amp Hunt

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I hope this isn’t a duplicate post. I’ve had a little technology trouble. I’ve enjoyed the forum, and your thoughtful systems. I’m hoping for some advice. I have a lot of low frequency dips in my mostly open/glass room. I played with speaker/listener position as much as I reasonably could in our family room, but ended up getting a SUB 3 and it seems to fix a lot. I’ve ordered an M5-HPB to take the next step, but will need to replace my Parasound HINT integrated with a new amp to use the balanced crossover properly. I’ll be using my OPPO UDP-205 as a digital pre-amp, and am looking at class AB (on RV’s advice) with balanced inputs. The only amps on my radar are the Parasound A23+(similar sound to my current amp), Parasound A21+ as an upgrade, and Van Alstine AVA M225’s  because of recent reviews. My local V dealer has great stuff, but not much in my price range in class AB. I was wondering if y’all (I’m in NC) had any experience with these amps, or could point me towards some other $1500-$3500 V appropriate power. I keep seeing zero negative feedback as one thing to look for, but my dealer’s Ayre is one of the few I’ve seen mention it. Maybe I’m not getting that in my price range.


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An Ayre AX-7e should have enough power -esp. with a sub 3. Used they were going for $1.5K a few years ago. Probably less now.

I would contact Johnny Rutan. He knows what works with the 2's. But, off the top, besides Ayre, a Belles Aria Integrated would be another brand to consider.

I have to ask- How are you running the sub without the M5 crossover?


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I have to use single ended out of the Oppo to the free start up crossover to the amp in on the integrated.  I’m ready for the real thing. I hadn’t considered going the used route, but maybe I need to look into that. I’ll be heading to Audio Advice when my crossover arrives, so I guess I’ll be checking out the used equipment room while I’m there. Thanks!

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24 minutes ago, Rennie said:

Looks like the Ayre V-5xe is the amp in my price range. I’m seeing $2100-2750. Does that sound like a good one to aim for?

We see a lot of these on our warrantee cards so it must be a good combination.  May be someone on this forum is using one and can share their experience.  RV


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It's a great amp for Vandersteen's.  The thing is, that the 20 series is what takes Ayre to the next level.  I owned the AX7e, last version and it was nice.  It didn't do anything wrong and did a ton right, but the bass wasn't what the bass on the 20 products is and the noise floor is much higher than the new gear.  Jsut something to think about.  I know that many show with a top Rotel integrated amp and Rutan LOVES the Belles gear as do Bob and many others who have them.  It all depends on your budget, but that amp is only going to be as good as the preamp you pair it with.  that piece is much more important in the process most of the time.  JMHO

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3 hours ago, ctsooner said:

but that amp is only going to be as good as the preamp you pair it with.


I hate to disparage the OP's equipment, but the Oppo probably won't let the Ayre V-5xe show what it can do- Hence, the AX-7e recommendation. (and, also less expensive).


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I'm not sure how the sub hooks up as I've never set one up, but my assumption is that you can get a nice integrated amp that offers a pre out put for your balanced crossover and that fixes it all and keeps you away from a digital preamp which won't help your sound at all.  JMHO.

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Because of the balanced crossover that is between pre-amp and amp, I’m not sure an integrated amp will work properly. I missed out on three used  V-5xe’s this weekend! Looks like the perfect amp for my near future would be an Ayre VX-5 TWENTY. How I get there remains to be seen. I have to buy an amp with balanced inputs for the new balanced crossover to work right. A $2500 V-5xe should be a step up from the cheapest Parasound Halo amp, and I wouldn’t lose any money on it. Maybe a dealer loan will tell the story on the strength of the OPPO’s 4.2V balanced outputs.  Seems like the V-5xe had 26db gain, so don’t know if that is sufficient. I do hope to end up with Vandersteens with built-in subs at some point. How did RV know?

Thanks for the helpful ideas.

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@Rennie You might try calling Ayre dealers and also placing wanted to buy on Audiogon and USAudiomart.  Amps i have used in past that pair well are Aesthetix Atlas - Stereo and Audio Research HD220 , these are both hybrid w tube front ends and SS back ends driving the speakers, both support balanced inputs. Just throwing out some ideas….


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When I was looking in this price range I considered the Ayre v-5xe as I had the matching Ayre preamp at the time. I ended up with a Belles 150A Reference v2 that I really enjoyed. I’ve since replaced it with an Aesthetix Atlas, but have only good things to say about that particular Belles model. If you search Agon forums for the user Bigtee, you’ll find good reviews of comparisons of many of the amps that others above have recommended.

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